Difficulty and Intended Audience

Video Title Difficulty New or Less Experienced
+ LIT's and CIT's
Returning or
Program Staff,
Program Directors
Supervisory Staff
(eg. Unit Leaders)
Assistant Director
21st Century Skills at Work All Summer Difficulty
Advanced Skills for Working with Difficult Parents, Part I Difficulty
Advanced Skills for Working with Difficult Parents, Part II Difficulty
Best Boys, Part I Difficulty
Best Boys, Part II Difficulty
Christian Perspectives, Part I Difficulty
Christian Perspectives, Part II Difficulty
Classic Problem Solving Difficulty
Cracking Kids’ Secret Code Difficulty
Cross-Cultural Agility Difficulty
Cultural Competence in Youth Programs, Part I Difficulty
Cultural Competence in Youth Programs, Part II Difficulty
Day Camp Dynamics, Part I Difficulty
Day Camp Dynamics, Part II Difficulty
Day Camp Dynamics, Part III Difficulty
Gender and Sexuality in Youth Programs Difficulty
Get the Best and Forget the Rest Difficulty
Girl Power Difficulty
Jewish Perspectives on Child-Staff Relationships, Part I Difficulty
Jewish Perspectives on Child-Staff Relationships, Part II Difficulty
Jewish Perspectives on Staff Happiness and Stamina Difficulty
Leading with Control and Warmth Difficulty
No Losers Difficulty
Personality Synergy
Respect is Learned, Not Given Difficulty
Rules Were Made to Be Positive Difficulty
Stop Yelling Get the HINT Difficulty
We Squashed It! - Physical Aggression Difficulty
We Squashed it! - Relational Aggression Difficulty
Video Title Difficulty New or Less Experienced
+ LIT's and CIT's
Returning or
Program Staff,
Program Directors
Supervisory Staff
(eg. Unit Leaders)
Assistant Director
Afterschool Program Success, Part I Difficulty
Afterschool Program Success, Part II Difficulty
Awesome Archery, Part I Difficulty
Awesome Archery, Part II Difficulty
Becoming a Youth Development Professional, Part I Difficulty
Becoming a Youth Development Professional, Part II Difficulty
Burn Specific Programming, Part I Difficulty
Burn Specific Programming, Part II Difficulty
Canoeing Success, Part I Difficulty
Canoeing Success, Part II Difficulty
Canoeing Success, Part III Difficulty
Cultivating Patience Difficulty
Effective Debriefing Tools and Techniques Difficulty
Equity and Diversity Difficulty
Face-to-Face (Differently Abled Youth) Difficulty
Hello Games Difficulty
Move It Like You Mean It Difficulty
Outdoor Cooking with Youth Difficulty
Playing with a Full Deck Difficulty
Programming For All (Differently Abled Youth) Difficulty
Rainy Day Games Difficulty
Speaking of Camp Difficulty
Woodworking Projects by Hand - Advanced: Boxes Difficulty
Woodworking Projects by Hand - Advanced: Picture Frames Difficulty
Woodworking Projects by Hand - Beginner: Curio Shelves Difficulty
Woodworking Projects by Hand - Beginner: Cutting Boards Difficulty
Woodworking Projects by Hand - Intermediate: Coat Hook Racks Difficulty
Woodworking Projects by Hand - Intermediate: Ping Pong Paddles Difficulty
Woodworking with Hand Tools, Part I Difficulty
Woodworking with Hand Tools, Part II Difficulty
Woodworking with Hand Tools, Part III Difficulty
Youth Inspired Difficulty
Video Title Difficulty New or Less Experienced
+ LIT's and CIT's
Returning or
Program Staff,
Program Directors
Supervisory Staff
(eg. Unit Leaders)
Assistant Director
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Difficulty
Autism Spectrum Disorder Difficulty
Bullies and Targets, Part I Difficulty
Bullies and Targets, Part II Difficulty
Children with Verbal Learning Disabilities Difficulty
Cultural Exchange Excellence Difficulty
Good Sportsmanship vs. Foul Play Difficulty
Helping Kids Fit In Difficulty
Homesickness at Day & Resident Camps, Part I Difficulty
Homesickness at Day & Resident Camps, Part II Difficulty
Listening with More Than Ears Difficulty
Preventing Gossip and Relational Aggression Difficulty
Skillful Discipline, Part I Difficulty
Skillful Discipline, Part II Difficulty
Suicidality in Youth Programs, Part I Difficulty
Suicidality in Youth Programs, Part II Difficulty
Video Title Difficulty New or Less Experienced
+ LIT's and CIT's
Returning or
Program Staff,
Program Directors
Supervisory Staff
(eg. Unit Leaders)
Assistant Director
15 Passenger Van Safety Difficulty
Active Lifeguarding Difficulty
Alcohol Beverage Laws Difficulty
Anaphylactic Emergencies Difficulty
Child Welfare and Protection Difficulty
Confidentiality for Youth Professionals Difficulty
Cyberbullying and Sexting Difficulty
Duty of Care, Part I Difficulty
Duty of Care, Part II Difficulty
Fire Building and Fire Safety Difficulty
Fire Evacuation Planning Difficulty
Kickin’ Kitchens Difficulty
Lifeguarding Skills Verification Difficulty
Lockdown Drills for Youth Programs Difficulty
Look Before You Leap, Part I Difficulty
Look Before You Leap, Part II Difficulty
Medical Preparation for Burn Camps Difficulty
Out of the Pool and Into the Wild Difficulty
Regional Disaster Management for Youth Programs Difficulty
Safe Touch & Safe Talk, Part I Difficulty
Safe Touch & Safe Talk, Part II Difficulty
Sexual Harassment Awareness, Part I Difficulty
Sexual Harassment Awareness, Part II Difficulty
Shockingly Professional Talk, Part I Difficulty
Shockingly Professional Talk, Part II Difficulty
Staff Use of the Internet Difficulty
Standard Precautions in Youth Programs Difficulty
Swim Checks in Action Difficulty
Waterfront Safety Design Difficulty
Weather Watch Difficulty
Wilderness Wellness Difficulty
Wise Use of Time Off Difficulty
Video Title Difficulty New or Less Experienced
+ LIT's and CIT's
Returning or
Program Staff,
Program Directors
Supervisory Staff
(eg. Unit Leaders)
Assistant Director
Achieving Supervisory Balance Difficulty
Advanced Staff Supervision, Part I Difficulty
Advanced Staff Supervision, Part II Difficulty
Behavior-Based Interviewing Difficulty
Customer Service Excellence Difficulty
Difficult Management Conversations, Part I Difficulty
Difficult Management Conversations, Part II Difficulty
Firing a Staff Member Difficulty
Masterful Meetings for Day Camps Difficulty
Masterful Meetings for Overnight Camps Difficulty
Promoted to Supervisor! Difficulty
Providing Effective Feedback, Part I Difficulty
Providing Effective Feedback, Part II Difficulty
Supervising Junior Leaders Difficulty
Winning Ways of Skilled Supervisors Difficulty
Video Title Difficulty New or Less Experienced
+ LIT's and CIT's
Returning or
Program Staff,
Program Directors
Supervisory Staff
(eg. Unit Leaders)
Assistant Director
Boov Ship Game Difficulty
Dot Painting Difficulty
Fairytale Hats Difficulty
Juggling Balls Difficulty
Kachina Dolls Difficulty
Leader of the Pack Difficulty
Sand Art Difficulty
Totem Pole Difficulty